Learning Resource Packs
In these packs, we’ve highlighted some gems from our Archives which we think may be particularly useful in learning activities.
Chocolate Letters

This pack contains copies of 24 documents from our Chocolate Letters collection, which are letters written by York servicemen or their families to express their thanks for a gift of chocolate sent by the Lord Mayor, J B Morrell, at Christmas 1914 to all York servicemen.
Introduction to the Chocolate Letters (pdf)
Document collection: 24 letters (zip)
Conscientious Objectors

During the First World War it was common for many Quakers to reject military service and as York had a large Quaker community it was also home to a significant number of conscientious objectors. In this pack you will find copies of documents from our collection of William Varley’s papers. The collection includes postcards, letters and other correspondence relating to his imprisonment for objection against conscription. Also included are suggested discussion points and activities.
Contents of the Pack (pdf)
Historical Context (pdf)
Suggested Activities (pdf)
Document collection: 19 postcards, letters, cuttings and other documents (zip)
Creative Writing Key Stage 2

This pack has been created by British crime writer, Helen Cadbury. In it you’ll find guidance notes for creative writing inspired by a York Theatre Royal programme from the early 1900s, with images from the programme itself.
Contents and Introduction (pdf)
Author Advice and How to Search (pdf)
Ways into the Story, Asking Questions and Making Notes (pdf)
Writing the Story (pdf)
Document collection – theatre programme and cast list (zip)
Creative Writing Key Stage 3+

Again, this learning pack uses items found in the York Archives as a starting point for writing fiction. This learning resource pack, created by British crime writer, Helen Cadbury, includes guidance notes for creative writing inspired by a young woman charged in 1822 with stealing clothes.
Introduction and author’s advice (pdf)
How to use the Archives for Research (pdf)
Questions, Notes and Preparatory Tasks (pdf)
Suggested Tasks and Next Steps (pdf)
Document Collection: Calendar of Felons and Court of Assize (zip)
York Panorama

This pack is inspired by the tactile new public artwork at York Explore, ‘York Panorama: What York Means to Us’, by local artist Emily Harvey. It provides background information about the project, with ideas for educational activities targeted primarily at Key Stage 2 and 3 pupils.
Contents and Introduction (PDF, 880kb)
Meet the Artist (pdf)
Suggested Activities (pdf)
Document Collection: 19 photographs and worksheets (zip)
Packs created in conjunction with York Civic Trust
We have worked with York Civic Trust to produce four downloadable schools packs, on life in the Victorian workhouse, the suffragettes and Votes for Women, the First World War and the Second World War. All use sources from our archive collections, and include full teachers notes.