If you still love reading but find it difficult to get to your local library, our Home Library Service offers you the chance to get the books that you love to read delivered straight to your door.
You can choose from a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction in a range of different formats including regular print, large print and audio books.
These will be delivered to your home on a regular basis. A volunteer from Explore will contact you to discuss what types of books you enjoy reading and organise a regular time to deliver them. It’s as easy as that!
Email your nearest library or give us a ring and we’ll make an appointment when it’s convenient for you.
We can also show you how you can read our large selection of e-books and listen to audio books using the Explore e-Library on an e-Reader or other tablet computer.
Volunteer with us
We’re always pleased to hear from new volunteers so if you would like to join us as a Home Library Service volunteer please read through the role description below.
Home Library Service Volunteer Role Description
This opportunity is available at any of our Explore libraries.
You will be required to visit people in their homes within your local community.
What will I be doing?
By delivering books to people in their homes, you will be enabling our customers who can no longer visit their local library independently to continue their love of reading. You will visit new customers in their home to talk about their reading choices, select books from their local library on their behalf and then deliver them directly to the customer in their home. You will also help the reader download e-books from the online library if they are interested.
You will be doing this with a buddy volunteer.
How will I be helping you?
By enabling people to continue their love of reading, you will you be contributing enormously to the well being of our customers.
You will be building a network between the Library and your local community, ensuring that library services are promoted to customers in their homes.
With another volunteer you will:
• Choose and then deliver books/audio books to people in their homes.
• Discuss reading and listening preferences.
• Check the service user is safe and well.
• Report any concerns to the appropriate person.
• Offer help and assistance to download e-books on computer/IT/Tablets.
What will I learn and what skills do I need?
• Safe home visits
• Friendly personality.
• An interested in reading and books.
• Good communication skills.
• An interest in the service users reading choices and willingness to choose books of interest to them.
• Driving license and a willingness to drive your own car.
• An interest and basic knowledge in computers/IT/E-Readers/Kindle/Tablet.
• Knowledge of how to download e-books and access the online library catalogue (Training can be provided).
How much time do I need to commit?
The usual time commitment is one day per fortnight.
Do you have questions? Email us with your questions or give us a ring at any library.