Some of our libraries offer weekly drop-in Stay & Play sessions, which provide a great opportunity for children, parents, and carers to play and socialise together in a relaxed and friendly environment. 

A variety of quality toys are provided, varying in age suitability from 0 to 3 years and a childcare worker is on hand to offer information or support.  Children need to have a parent/carer with them at all times throughout the session.

Young girl looking at a soft toy

These sessions support the Look Say Sing Play campaign and ‘Proud to be a Raise York Partner’.

Huntington Library, Monday 10.00-11.30

Tang Hall Explore, Monday 10.30-12.00

Acomb Explore, Wednesday 10.00-11.30

York Explore, Wednesday 1.00-2.30

Clifton Explore, Friday 10.30-12.00

Look at your libraries page for further details.