
As a member, you can borrow up to 20 books at a time, including:

  • Audiobooks
  • Large print books
  • Language courses
  • Children’s books

Browse the catalogue to see what books we stock and place reservations for collection at your local branch.

You can borrow items from any of our libraries, and return them to any library.  You do not have to return items to the library you borrowed them from.

Books are issued for three weeks and there is no charge to borrow.  As a courtesy, we can send you a reminder a couple of days before your book is due.  You can normally renew your items if you are not going to be able to return them in time. If there are other people waiting for items you have on loan you will not be able to renew them.

Renewing your books

If you want to extend the loan period of a book you have borrowed, you can renew up to 20 times, as long as no other customers are waiting to read the book.

Four Different Ways to renew

  • Log into our catalogue website, choose the ‘checkouts’ tab on your account, tick the items you want to renew and press renew
  • In person at any library
  • Telephone any library
  • Email any library, giving your library card number and the title of the items you wish to renew

If somebody else wants to borrow an item you’ve borrowed, they will place a reservation on it, which means that you won’t be able to renew it beyond the original loan period.