Your gift matters
The cost of running Explore this year will be over £3.1m. Two thirds of this amount comes from our contract with City of York Council and the remainder we need to raise ourselves through trading, grants and other fundraising. Make a difference to your community and give to Explore York Libraries and Archives today. It matters now, more than ever.
Give by Bank Transfer
The best way to give is by a transfer/payment from your bank online. This removes all bank fees associated with donating via debit or credit card.
Our Bank account details are:
Name: Explore York Libraries and Archives Mutual Limited
Account Number: 45112371
Sort Code: 56-00-70
Please think about giving regularly to Explore:
By monthly Standing Order. This enables us to budget and have a regular monthly income from donations.
With gift aid if you pay tax. By signing the gift aid form we get an extra 25% on all your donations at no cost to you.
If you want to donate directly to the archives please add ‘Archives’ as a reference in your transfer.
You can also support Explore when you shop online – and it won’t cost you a penny! Just follow these simple steps:
ONE – Register with Easyfundraising
TWO – Choose Explore York Libraries and Archives Mutual Limited as the cause you wish to support.
THREE – Start shopping online and with every purchase you make, your chosen retailer will make a donation to Explore.
It’s really simple so please think of registering. There’s also an app you can download for your phone which makes it even easier to use.

Follow our story
Read our Annual Review or take a look at our YouTube channel