Join us today
Become a co-owner of Explore to show your support and have your say in our future.
Do you love your library? Are you fascinated by our archives?
Would you like to help to shape the future of Explore? As a Community member you can do this.
Explore is a different kind of public service: a mutual owned by our staff and our community members. We are dedicated to enhancing lives in York in our trusted spaces; providing library, archive, learning, and creative activities, reflecting and developing a lively, inclusive community. We offer opportunities for people to read, meet, learn, imagine, create and belong.
When you join us as a community member you are showing your support for Explore York Libraries and Archives and all the work we do. There is a £1 joining fee which represents your share in our organisation.
As a Community Member you’ll be joining an important conversation about how we develop Explore with local people. You will elect three Community Directors to our Board who will represent you at all our Board meetings and keep in touch throughout the year via newsletter and events.
Joining is easy – please complete the simple sign-up form below. Or speak to a member of staff in your local library or Reading Café and they will help you to do this.
If you have any questions please email us.

Where is Community Members’ data stored and how will it be used?
The Secretary of Explore maintains a separate register of Community Members. Explore is committed to protecting all personal data and information and any such data that members provide will be used for the said purpose and treated in accordance with the Data Protection Act. Find out more about how we manage your data.
Explore York Libraries and Archives Mutual Limited is registered in England and Wales under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014, registered no IP032357