Summer Reading Challenge 2024

Join the Challenge from the 13 July and enjoying choosing and reading books over the summer, collecting stickers along the way, with a certificate and medal for all who complete the Challenge.

We have some exciting, brand new rewards this summer!

Thanks to the generous support of these local organisations, throughout the Challenge we have fabulous family tickets to be won at:

York Maze, Wonderlab, Jorvik, Grand Opera House, Aqua Splash, Clip ‘n’ Climb, and Inclusive Music Project Holiday Club!

Children just need to sign up to the Challenge to be entered into the weekly prize draws across the summer holiday. Good luck!

The Challenge is aimed at primary school aged children but we’re not leaving out pre-schoolers. They can sign up to the mini challenge, receiving a sticker for each book they share and a gold medal sticker and a certificate when they complete the challenge – plus they’ll also be entered into the weekly prize draws.

Bloodaxe Book Challenge

The Bloodaxe Book Challenge delivered in collaboration with Jorvik ran November to January. This year’s Bloodaxe author was the wonderful Louie Stowell, for her fantastic Loki: A Bad God’s Guide To series. Thanks to our partnership with Jorvik, children received Louie Stowell themed stickers and rewards and all completers were invited to the brilliant Feb half term event with Louie Stowell, which proved to be both extremely popular and brilliant!